Sumaira Saba
3 min readMar 14, 2024

Midnight Musings: A Journey Through Sleepless Nights

(Me, capturing a moment of solitude beneath the moonlit sky)

Have you ever been up late in the middle of the night, unable to sleep despite your best efforts? Many of us have experienced the frustration of tossing and turning, when life's challenges appear to weigh the most and we are unable to calm down and go to sleep.

These sleepless nights are nothing new to me; they are a place where my concerns and anxieties seem to multiply with each passing hour. But as dawn draws near and the first rays of light emerge from the shadows, I get a wave of clarity that makes the problems of the previous night seem insignificant.

I was reminded of this last night while I was browsing through the gallery on my phone late at night after receiving a notification about my Google Photos storage running low. While I was doing the tedious chore of deleting unnecessary photos and videos, I came upon these pictures.

There were pictures of me when I was younger, looking up at the moon and surrounded by the serene beauty of nature. I was taken back in time to a simpler era when life was simpler, and the weight of the world felt lighter.

(Me Looking for my Lost Sleep at Midnight )

I was taken back to a simpler time, one of wonder and innocence, of happy days shared with loved ones, during those peaceful hours of the night, when the moon was gently glowing over the mountains.

3rd nostalgic picture of mine while talking with the 🌙❤️

There was, however, an underlying sense of sadness amid the bittersweet nostalgia—a yearning for the presence of a beloved father, now gone but forever cherished in memory. Without him, the world seemed a little dimmer, a little less vibrant.

(It's said that time heals all wounds, but sometimes, the ache of loss remains as poignant as ever).

Besides longing for my father, memories of childhood flood my mind—both the carefree days and the worries that come with growing up. My thoughts were consumed with the complexities of life, ranging from immediate personal concerns like job hunting to more general ones like political instability, rising inflation rate, and the humanitarian crises.

I didn't manage to close my eyes until the Sehri alarm sounded at 3:30 in the early hours of the morning, prompting me to start my fast and prepare for another day. The night passed without sleep, and now I find myself sharing this reflection with you.

It’s funny how our feelings and ideas get magnified in the late hours of the night, making little concerns seem like a huge burden. A fresh day, however, brings with it an entirely new viewpoint and a reminder that obstacles that seemed unbearable in the dark often become less fearsome in the light of day.

As I bid farewell to another restless night and welcome the morning, I take with me the realization that life is a series of moments—some short-term, others eternal—that are all woven together to make the fabric of our existence. And in the end, what really defines the fundamental essence of our existence is the journey of the heart.

I find comfort in the realization that, in spite of life's hardships, beauty can be found in every moment—if we just take the time to seek it out.

Sumaira Saba

Learner, Researcher, Teacher, and Writer, constantly evolving through curiosity and knowledge.